Technical Assistance

& Strategic Advisory

CILMB is able to offer wide-ranging technical assistance on all matters related to land and maritime boundaries, from drafting of relevant international agreements to policy consultation and the implementation of programmes and strategies. Its services in this area include the following:

  • Review and assessment of existing boundary and resource agreements, legal domestic framework and relevant treaty commitments
  • Geopolitical analysis and forecasts
  • Evaluation of policy options in terms of delimitation, control and management of boundaries
  • Strategic planning and policy formulation
  • Legal research (applicable international instruments, implications of State conduct under the law of treaties, the law of international responsibility, etc.)
  • Coordination of technical research (archival, geographical, hydrographical, etc.)
  • Assistance in negotiations with sovereigns and private operators
  • Treaty negotiation and drafting (boundary treaties, joint exploitation agreements, transboundary cooperation agreements, etc.)
  • Tactical efforts regarding third-parties (assessment of legal interests; drafting of friend-of-the-court submissions)
  • Assistance and representation in dispute settlement procedures (arbitration, international adjudication, etc.)
  • Investigative reports based on archival records
  • Review of cadastral, hydrographic, geological, and geomorphological data
  • Scrutiny of coastal baselines and delimitation methodologies
  • Enquiries into resource exploration and exploitation in disputed areas
  • Joint establishment of technical boundary commissions
  • Treaty-based dispute settlement options and risk analyses
  • Joint development zone proposals
  • Demarcation and enforcement of judgments and awards
  • Policy evaluations and gap studies
  • Up-to-date research and commentary on emerging trends