
IHL and Humanitarian Access to Protected Persons in Non-International Armed Conflict in the Middle East

10th -11th August 2017, London South Bank University, London.

This high-level workshop outlined the applicability of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and the issue of humanitarian access to protected persons in present situations of Non-International Armed Conflict (NIACs) in the Middle East. It was delivered by Visiting Professor at Sciences Po Paris, Paris School of International Affairs, and Former Senior Operational Manager & Current Senior Diplomatic and Legal Advisor at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Dr. Patrick Zahnd.

The workshop was attended by a range of professionals from international government and nongovernmental organisations with an interest in International Humanitarian Law and the Middle East as well as international bodies.

Maritime Delimitations and Hydrocarbon Resources in Central America and the Caribbean

21st July 2017, Ironmongers’ Hall, London.

This one-day event addressed the status of maritime boundary delimitations in the region, in light of recent geological surveys on the energy potential of its maritime zones. During the symposium, the applicable international legal framework was outlined, whilst making a thorough examination of already concluded bilateral maritime boundary delimitation agreements, precedence(s) in international adjudication cases relevant to contested maritime zones in the region, and of existing international and regional frameworks on the management of straddling and transboundary resources.

International Law and the Territorial Gains and Losses of Non-State Actors in Africa and the Middle East

27th October 2016, Gray’s Inn Chambers, London.

On 27th October 2016, the Africa and Middle East Project was launched at an invitation only event in to examine the territorial and security dimensions of the rise of non-state actors in Africa and the Middle East from an international law perspective with a host of distinguished speakers, including:

Rt Hon Mark Simmonds, COO of the Counter Extremism Project UK and Senior Analyst at Kroll and former the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister with responsibility for Africa, the Caribbean and Conflict Resolution; Stuart Elden, Professor of Political Theory and Geography at Warwick University; Emmanuel Dupuy, President of the Institute for Prospective and Security in Europe (IPSE); Sabah Al-Mukhtar, President of the Arab Lawyers Association (UK) & Vice President of Geneva International Centre for Justice; and Patrick Zahnd, Professor of Humanitarian International Law at SciencesPo: Paris School of International Affairs.

ITLOS at 20 – Impacts of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

23rd May 2016, Gray’s Inn Chambers, London.

On 23 May 2016, the Centre for International Land and Maritime Boundaries in partnership with Queen Mary University convened an invitational event to reflect upon the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (‘ITLOS’). Featuring a diverse panel of experts and a keynote address by H.E. Judge Vladimir Golitsyn President of ITLOS, the event attracted members of the London diplomatic community, 22 representatives of international organisations, renowned academics, and law of the sea practitioners and technical experts.

Panellists included Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary University of London) and Mr. Coalter G.Lathrop, the Principal of Sovereign Geographic and Editor-in-Chief of International Maritime Boundaries.